Hey guys. I have a way to get you all the money you want. This isnt hacking, but it is in a little way. Im not affecting the game at all. Just getting everyone money! You have to earn it. An admin gets 100,000 coins to start out. Mods/Graphics Designers get 50,000. Members: 10,000. You can earn CP money buy making a room, or doing something good on the forum. Each good thing = 10,000 coins. I mean if you guys think getting free money is wrong, or you dont want me to have your password, its cool with me. If you want your money, send me your user-name and password. I think all you guys trust me. This is only helping you. So say here you want your money, then PM me the details. Thanks! I can even do it to Abbx's penguin if I can as a test for you guys.